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Check out your competition!

When you are starting your search engine optimization campaign, you must take a look at what keywords your direct and in-direct competition are using.

Do some research on your competitors and check how they have laid things out, see how many links go back to their website and where from. (If they link to them, they might link to you).

Make sure that you do not just copy their content; trawl through their source code and see what makes their website tick... (Please be aware that if they have a site built on PHP then you may not see everything within the code)

Use their own tactics against them, but do various pieces of research and get the upper hand on them in order to win.

Search Engine Optimized Hosting Companies?

There are so many companies that tell you that if you host with them, then you will get a better search engine ranking; This is incorrect!, because they are no better than many other hosts and they cannot guarantee what they are always offering.

There are so many website hosting companies and they all do the same thing.

Some may be better than others, but not as much to make a difference to your websites Search Engine Optimization Campaign.

Each and every website hosting company stores, and processes your files and is not made to work for Search Engine Optimization; That is you and your research that does that.

By looking more and more through blogs like these, and forums where you can learn so much, you shall see a better understanding of SEO and then you should be able to make those minor changes to your website and over time, get a better rating.

Is Google De-Valuing Link Directories?

There have been talks for weeks about Google, taking those steps to de-value link directories and the links that are contained within them.

Search Engine Watch Forums Moderator, DaveN, feels that Google is targeting directories, by that he means, devaluing the links from directories. He bases this statement on the large amount of recent data he collected. For those not familiar with DaveN, he is someone who might be referred to as an "algo chaser." In other words, he is one of the guys that make the search engines better by exposing loopholes within the algorithms.

Of course, most of us would just push off such a statement. Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN and all the search engines recommend getting quality inbound links. Some even say that you should get them from directories. Heck, Yahoo and MSN promote paid directories, Google uses the ODP.

But if one would think about it more. The way this industry has been going follows this sort of pattern. Search engines like variable X. Some SEOs look for ways to exploit the variable X. Search engines have to move away from liking X and then move on to Y. The process repeats, over and over again. So maybe DaveN is right.
Source : The Search Engine Round Table

A Sitemap; But why do i need one?

Sitemaps are an easy way for you to inform search engines about your website pages and show that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file which lists the URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

Web crawlers/Spiders; usually discover pages from links within the site and from other sites. Sitemaps supplement this data to allow crawlers that support Sitemaps to pick up all URLs in the Sitemap and learn about those URLs using the associated metadata.

Using a sitemap does not guarantee that your website will get listed, but makes it easier for the search engines to navigate your site.

Another Day of Research,..

Today, i have been hard at reading up on Search Engine Optimization and what it does to help me get good rankings on the search engines.

I am now taking on website projects that want some Search Engine Optimization Services.

See, the thing is; that no one is able to guarantee you top places in the search engines, Therefore, all of those companies that say that can are lying to you.

The Search Engine Decide!!!
It is not u to the designer, the code that is there, the Search Engine "Specialist" or anyone else where you get ranked within the Search Engine Results page for a selected keyword/Phrase.

This is all up to the search engine, so there is not much use trusting these services because most of them are fake anyway.

Look for a good website hosting company; and get yourself started online, see what you can do with a website and enjoy your time whilst doing it.

How to get a good ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages?

In order to get a good rank or position here; you need to first choose the keyword, or set of keywords which you would like to rank well with.

Now that you have those keywords in mind, you can start to work a little more on optimizing your website so that the Search Engine picks up those keywords.

Take a look at your URL (Your web address)…
For best results, you should have at least one of your keywords here.
If you have not got a domain yet, try to get one or two keywords within it; but remember that it needs to be easy to remember and use.

Working with your page content is the next step and at this point you should be thinking about re-writing some of the content on your website, so that it contains a few keywords but still makes sense and is not just stuffed with them!

Make sure that you use good keywords within your internal linking, as Search Engines look for these also and tell them a little more about your web sites content.

Get some back links because these are very important in making your get a good position on the Search Engine Results Page. (One way links are better than exchanges)
The best way to do this is through Forums; Blog’s and Article websites. But do not post in irrelevant posts or just place them randomly.
Make sure they have a reason there, something relevant with the conversation.

What is SERP?

SERP stands for search engine results page, and is the listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. These results normally include a list of web pages with their titles, a link to the page, and a short description showing some of the keywords that have been matched with the content within the page. A SERP may refer to a single page of links returned, or to the set of all links returned for a search query.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via search results. In most cases, the top search results usually mean that those pages have a higher Rank than the others.
Usually the higher the site is in the search results mean that more of those searchers will visit that site.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), can also target different kinds of search which can include image Searches, Local Search Results, Subject Related Search Results and many more.

Why do I need Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

There have been cases where some people have got lucky and their web sites have gained good ratings without any Search Engine Optimization at all, but this does not mean that you will...

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as defined on this page; is required to help your web site gain good ratings within the search engine results for a specific keyword or phrase that you have set.

In order to get good rankings and to have a good amount of visitors it is advised that you use Search Engine Optimization tatics to help increase your ranking.

It is believed that the higher your Search Engine Page Rank; The higher your website may appear within those specified Search Engine Results.

How do i make my web site Search Engine Optimized?

Your web site should be thought of as something that you love; because you need to care for it on a daily/weekly basis. This is sound advice given by Marathon Digital - Marketing & Design in Maidstone; a Maidstone based Digital Marketing Agency.

Just by taking a look, checking and making some changes; maybe an hour each day, can have dramatic effects on your Search Engine Rank Position and your Page Rank.

Let's Start!

There are many ways which you can improve your search engine rating and get higher in the search results.

There are a fair few people who believe that getting a good rating is quite simple.
It does take a little time; in order to get a good rating, you need to keep at it and try hard to make sure that you have some new content for the search engines.

Search engines just love new content and if you keep it updated on a good basis, then the search engines will come back and index your website more often and over time your website may be seen as a reliable source.


The keywords that you use for your website should be relevant to what your website is about and what you do there.
Try to keep a few of the keywords in the:

1. Url
2. Meta Tags
3. Description
4. Alt Tags
5. Title
6. Header Tags (Not to many though)
7. The Main Content

The above seven things are a must when you are placing keywords for your website.

"Link Baiting"

In order to help your website get higher results and to become more trusted, you need to do some link baiting.

You can give links back to other websites, in return, they will give you a link back to your website. (Try to choose sites which are relevant to what yours is about.)

Search engines like some Link Directories; but some can harm your rating, so be careful.

The best links that you can get, are one way links. These links are where you are not linking back to someones website but they are linking to yours.
This is good, as it shows that that website links your website/services and without there being a link back from your website. It shows that they trust you and that there is not exchange.

One way links are liked alot more by search engines. The search engines trust these types of links more.